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Bill’s Birthday

On a cold snowy day in Pittsfield MA, January 30th, 1969, forty four years ago my son Bill or at that time better known as William Patrick Thomas (named after his Grandfather) was born. Back in those days it was quite different having a child than it is today. The fathers were not allowed very close to the baby and I was not allowed to be there for the birth. I remember being in the waiting room when Dr. Gorman came out to tell me I had a healthy boy. The fun thing was that he stuck around while the nurse brought Bill out to the nursery and showed us my new son. I was very excited but what was remarkable was how excited Dr. Dorman was as well. We just hung out and admired God’s miracle. What was equally strange was the hospital wouldn’t let me hold  him  until we were in the car on the way home. How times have changed.

A lot has happened in those forty four years but I have to say I am very proud of how Bill turned out. He has surpassed many of my expectations and turned out to be a fine young or is it starting to be middle aged man. He has a wonderful family and I know the world is a much better place with him in it.

Thanks so much for following my blog, I think this is a pretty good portrait that captures the sense of Bill as a man and a proud Dad. Just like me.

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  1. Pat O'Malley Pat O'Malley

    Lovely birthday message for your son Bill. Today is also the b’day for my son Bill, he is 63! Also a fine man with 2 grown children, lives there in PHX. Happy birthday to both!

  2. jbthomas jbthomas

    Wow! What a coincidence. Tell him to have a great day.

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