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Happy Birthday Scott

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Today is my son Scott’s birthday. So I was looking for a good shot that I have of him and this is what I came up with. We took this two years ago when we were at Photoshop World in Las Vegas. We had just taken a course with Joe McNally, one of my all time favorite photographers and he gave us this idea. We put a piece of white paper on the screen of the computer and bounced the light back into the face of the subject. It turned out pretty good and we had a fun time creating it.

This is a shot of a Spitfire Lilly that my friend Fr. Charley picked up so we could do some indoor photography on a hot day in Phoenix. I love the colors.

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We have the best sunsets in the world. Probably because of all the dust from the desert adds to the color of the sky. The 1st one is over Phoenix from the Butte and the second one was of the salt river.

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One Comment

  1. Scott Scott

    Nice. Thanks for the birthday wishes. That was a fun trip.

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