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Pelicans – My Favorite

It must be the prehistoric look that they have that gets my attention. With a wing span of almost 10 feet they grab your attention right away. Having been around  for 30 million years, they like to skim the water for their food but can fly up to 10,000 feet.


1/500, f5.6, ISO 100, 150mm



1/160 F6.3 200mmJBT130722_0196ME-Export


1/1250 f6.3, 200mm iso 640 with some Topaz Impression



1/400, f13, iso 400, 340mm Nik Silver Efex



1/640, f9, ISO 200 340mm with some Topaz Texture



1/400, F9, ISO 200, 340mm




1/500, f9, ISO 200 340mm


  1. Carol C Carol C

    Hi John ! I really enjoyed your photos ! I also like to watch the pelicans at the beach. I especially enjoy watching them dive into the water like you photographed. They are amazing birds.

  2. Mike Mike

    Those are awesome pictures. You sure have a great eye.

    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Thanks Mike, I keep practicing and maybe sometimes I catch lightning in a bottle.

  3. Doeen Doeen

    Hi John!!! Nice pelican pictures. I, too, like them. Where were these taken? I used to see white pelicans at Tres Rios, but I don’t go there anymore since Jethro’s car was broken into, & all his photography equipment was stolen. Too bad that happened!

    Glad you are up & at it! I run over to Lake Pleasant since it’s only about 30 minutes from my house. I love water, so that’s a perfect place to go to. I’ve been seeing wild burros there lately when I go. They’ve beautiful!!! I went there early one morning to shoot sunrise, & that was really nice. I’m trying to find different places to photograph there. It’s a big lake, & I’ve found several favorite places I go to almost every time I go there.

    I heard the f/16s early evening & now going over our house. They seem to be doing that a lot lately.April 2nd., Saturday, & April 3rd., Sunday are Luke Days. I’ll bet the Thunderbirds will be here practicing soon. I’d like to see that. One year I went near the base on Friday, & saw them practicing. I don’t know what they’ll do this year, but we were able to go on the road (think it was Sarival) paralleling the base. I’d rather do that than go on the base grounds. I’m really not interested in the static displays.

    Their flying schedule has changed so much. I just haven’t made it a priority to go down there around 9 a.m. &/or 2:30 p.m. to see them do touch & goes. I have to get down there before it gets much to hot to be out anywhere!

    Glad you’re feeling better, & out photographing again. Will let you know when I plan to go down to the Base to check things out. Maybe you can meet me there.


    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Doreen, These were taken in three places, SF Bay area near San Jose, Dana Point CA, and GWR. It sure was fun shooting the fighter planes at Luke yesterday. We’ll have to go again at Twilight.

  4. Carol Carol

    Very nice indeed! Love the ones in flight.

    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Thanks Carol it is always a lot of fun to catch something moving fast.

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