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Thinking about Memorial Day

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan (President 1981-1989) 

My friend Paul Zorich posted this on his Facebook page:

“It is, in a way, an odd thing to honor those who died in defense of our country, in defense of us, in wars afar away. The imagination plays a trick. We see these soldiers in our mind as old and wise. We see them as something like the Founding Fathers, grave and gray-haired. But most of them were boys when they died, and they gave up two lives, the one they were living and the one they would have lived. When they died, they gave up their chance to be husbands and fathers and grandfathers. They gave up their chance to be revered old men. They gave up everything for our country, for us. And all we can do is remember.” – President Ronald Reagan.

This weekend  take a moment and  say a prayer for all the men and women that sacrificed everything so that we can celebrated this holiday with barbecues, fireworks and family. Far to many people living in this country are not taught our glorious history and about all the people that have paid the ultimate price so we can go about our routine lives enjoying all our freedom.

The following photos are from Arlington National Cemetery, National Memorial Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,  Local Fireworks last night and a cemetery on the Gila River Indian Reservation.

One Comment

  1. Carol Carol

    I am fortunate in having three brothers who served and all three are home, safe. Good post, John.

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