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  1. Joe Berke Joe Berke

    Great b&w. Just like the old masters! When I had my darkroom all I did was b&w. It is still my favorite medium
    Love seeing your photos Hope to see you sometime soon
    I do not attend the East Dig meeting anymore.

    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Thanks Joe, I’ve missed you at the DIG meetings. I haven’t been to that many lately because of scheduling. Maybe we will run into each other out on a trail.

  2. Like you John, I love Black & White Photography. Keep up the great work!!!

    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Thanks Julie, What is your website?

  3. Carol Carol

    I especially like the curve in the road. Nice texture that is really supported by black and white. If you have been to White Sands, try a few of those images as black and white. So nice!

    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Thanks Carol, The White Sands trip is high on the list of places to go as things settle down. I’m loving your photos on and have sent many friends there.

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