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Butterfly Wonderland

JBT130903_0012-ME-Blog Post


One of the places you will find a lot of photographers is Butterfly Wonderland in Scottsdale. Finding all kinds of butterflies in the wild is fun, challenging and happenstance at best. So when they opened this museum a couple years ago a lot of my photography friends took out a lifetime membership. It is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel as they are all there in front of you. The challenge is still getting the right composition and finding one’s where their wings haven’t deteriorated. The last photo were two butterflies matting out in the wild. One of them being tagged to follow their journey.

Sharing: I would like to share a site that I think has value and worthiness. My friend Carol Freshley has a site of some wonderful photography. I met Carol and her husband Tom a couple years ago and they have always been encouraging and helpful to a number of people in our photography community. They have some wonderful shots and I think you would enjoy them immensely. They have recently sold their home and moved into a RV to live their dream of taking photos of great places on a daily basis.




  1. Doreen Bonner Doreen Bonner

    Love your butterfly pictures John!

  2. Don Don

    Hi John, Great place, when I was there I meet the owner as we we were walking in from the parking lot… He said they only live about 10 days and some have to be
    replaced each day… The first thing they in the morning is pick up the dead ones and release new young one… A very interesting place!
    Great images

    • jbthomas jbthomas

      They have a special time for photographers each month. You can go on their web site and sign up. It is a busy place.

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