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A Day At The Grand Canyon

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The Grand Canyon has long been considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. I had the opportunity to go up there this past week and try and capture some of its beauty.


It has been some 20+ years since I was last there and there have been some changes to the buildings and the way you are routed around the visitors centers and lodging. The El Tovar opened it’s doors in 1905 and has some spectacular views out the back door. Other than that the Canyon itself hasn’t changed much in the past 25 years as it has over the past few thousand years. The thing that grabs you about being there is the immenseness of it. It is 277 miles long and up to 18 miles wide with a depth of over a mile. While the specific geologic processes and timing that formed the Grand Canyon are the subject of debate by geologists,[4] recent evidence suggests the Colorado River established its course through the canyon at least 17 million years ago.


Here are a few of the photos that I was able to grab during our short stay. It was suppose to snow the night we left so the best photos would have been available the day after we left. There is a Photographer that I really enjoy, Bill Fortney that  has all the iconic photos of the National Parks. He got them by going back 20 to 30 times to get just the right light. This is my 1st try.

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  1. Pat O'Malley Pat O'Malley

    Gorgeous pictures of grand Canyon! I visited there briefly years ago, the view is incredible.
    A bit late, but happy New Year to you and Louise.


    • jbthomas jbthomas

      Thanks Pat, It is truly a glorious place. Everyone who comes to Arizona should put a trip there on the top of their list.

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