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Back At It Again

photocrati gallery

The past couple weeks have been busy spending my time  improving my Photoshop skills and reworking my Lightroom catalog . I guess it is the closest thing to cleaning out your closet or garage but in a digital sense. In the beginning of setting up my photos I sort of key worded my photos but now that the catalog is growing exponentially into the thousands, it is much more important to label or keyword the photos so that I can find them quickly. One thing that I love about photography is going back in time and seeing how I looked at things 10 years ago and how my vision has changed. I even have photos from my childhood that were taken with a film camera and we use to take them to the drug store to be developed by Kodak (remember that company) and hope that they came out. When digital came along in the 90’s, I was all in. I loved the idea of taking a photo and being able to see instantly if it was any good or not. Then the learning started as I wanted to take better exposures and then better compositions. Along with that came the developing of the photos. Instead of sending them off to Kodak, I do all the developing in Lightroom and Photoshop. That adds to the fun as I can take a shot and bring it to it’s full potential, very similar to what Ansel Adams did  in his darkroom. I remember talking to my son Scott about how good the photos looked at Macworld and how my  photos didn’t have that Pop. He told me they did it in Photoshop and so I was then on a quest to learn how to do that. I still have a long ways to go and I like that but I sure am a lot better now than I was in the early days when I would just hope that they came out.

I want to thank all the people that comment on my blog as it is very rewarding to hear from you.




One Comment

  1. Those are great images and I agree completely that we all have improved in Photoshop, way beyond our Dark room days(I thought those were pretty good! ) Ha!
    We each have a different way to store our images and be able to find them, you sound like you have figured it out so it works… When ask, I say think about it a while and my way may not work for you, what is important is the YOU understand how yours works!!
    Keep up the good work, looking forward to cooler days/night, I’m waiting to shoot some more night stuff with the 60Da Astronomy version.. but it is just to hot ! Carol has Surgery on Friday so I will be house mother for a couple weeks and then we are going “uphill to cool down” a few days in Aug.
    Ohio visitors in Sept, another trip to Grand Canyon!!
    Keep up the good work …tnx for sending it to me..

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